Thursday 23 August 2012

Cthulhu Plush

You and the dark one Cthulhu..
Sharing adventures and smiles

Makes me smile every time I look at this. It probably took the least amount of time out of any of the plushies I've made, but I think he's the cutest!

I'm also happier about the finished product more than any other yet.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Pokemon Flip Coin Cufflinks

And I have finally found a use for the hundreds upon hundreds of pokemon coins my boyfriend has accumulated.


How is this not awesome? They are available in my etsy shop :)

Depending on the feedback I get about them, they will become available in a variety of the TCG coins that were released.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Dice Bags!

 Now in my etsy shop. There's only a few there at the moment, but there will be more and more appearing over the next couple of weeks!

Want one but don't have or want to create an etsy account? Email me and I can organise something else :)

Monday 6 August 2012

Pokemon Perler Project

Slowly slowly i'm creating an ABC poster type thing made from perler beads. Only, each letter will be represented by a pokemon. The reason this is taking me so long is a mixture of me not ordering new colours and getting my shop ready and sorting out a few orders I already have. But, this shouldn't be too far away, and it will look quite awesome!