Saturday 22 September 2012

Minecraft Creeper Plush

After someone spied the cake from the last post, a welcomed request was made for a creeper.

This one is fleece so it's all soft and squishy!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Minecraft Cake Plushie

I've never played Minecraft. I just haven't been able to commit any more time to games than I already do.

But it lends itself well to plushies and crafts in general, being all cube like and all. So I think this turned out really well. Made of felt as usual.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Cthulhu Plush

You and the dark one Cthulhu..
Sharing adventures and smiles

Makes me smile every time I look at this. It probably took the least amount of time out of any of the plushies I've made, but I think he's the cutest!

I'm also happier about the finished product more than any other yet.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Pokemon Flip Coin Cufflinks

And I have finally found a use for the hundreds upon hundreds of pokemon coins my boyfriend has accumulated.


How is this not awesome? They are available in my etsy shop :)

Depending on the feedback I get about them, they will become available in a variety of the TCG coins that were released.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Dice Bags!

 Now in my etsy shop. There's only a few there at the moment, but there will be more and more appearing over the next couple of weeks!

Want one but don't have or want to create an etsy account? Email me and I can organise something else :)

Monday 6 August 2012

Pokemon Perler Project

Slowly slowly i'm creating an ABC poster type thing made from perler beads. Only, each letter will be represented by a pokemon. The reason this is taking me so long is a mixture of me not ordering new colours and getting my shop ready and sorting out a few orders I already have. But, this shouldn't be too far away, and it will look quite awesome!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Donkey Kong Dice Bag

I've started a habit of needing to buy pretty dice. And with that I need a place to keep them. This isn't it. Instead of taking time to make something for myself tonight, I caved and made a dice bag for my boyfriend. At his request it has The Donkey Kong logo on it.

I thought I'd do something a bit different and use a button closure instead of a drawstring. And since my sewing machine is still not fixed, it is hand sewn.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Baby Myr Plushie

So I found a tutorial awhile back on how to make these. And they are just too adorable.

Unfortunately today, I discovered that my much loved sewing machine (which is older than I am) that I pinched from my mum has something wrong with the tension dial, making the stitches quite an eyesore. Me being so unpatient and unable to wait until I get it fixed, I couldn't hold off on making this. So this little one is completely hand sewn. I think I like it better this way though, since I put more effort into it.
Although, this has inspired to make cuter versions of other magic or other card game characters.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

My Etsy Shop

So while this post isn't directly a game inspired craft, it will give you this,
Which is a link to my new etsy shop. Nothing game related YET, but I assure you that there will be soon, so keep watch!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Magic The Gathering Life Counter

There are way too many magic cards floating around this house. Currently there are two overflowing 5000 count boxes on the bedroom floor, and thats just the commons.

I've seen these floating around on the internet and also in the hands of a player at the local game store, so I thought I'd give it a shot. These ones are between 10-11 cards glued together, instead of the foam inserts. For the counter, I just used some sead beads and beading wire. Super easy to make if you have a bunch of land around.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Needle Felt Boota

It was only a couple of nights ago that my boyfriend got me to watch Gurren Lagann. Straight away I thought the little mole Boota was so adorable that I had to make him, and in what better way than as a little ball of wool?

Thursday 12 July 2012

Johto League Badge Magnets

Johto League Pokemon badges, in magnet form. Very happy with the result and they're so bright on the fridge. These are so addictive to make and I could have easily spent so many hours making more.

And just because I could...

Monday 9 July 2012

Navi Cat Stick Toy


Based on Navi from Zelda. The body is made to look like a ball of yarn for the lucky cat who gets to play with this, and the wings are a soft tulle sewn around some beading wire. Of course I had to include the bell to hopefully get my cat to play with this. The light made it look purple in the photo but the yarn I used is actually a light blue. I'll try to take a better photo during the day tomorrow

Unfortunately my cat lives 2 hours away since my landlord won't allow pets, so if I get a chance to visit her this weekend, I'll let you know what my cat thinks of this. But how could it fail? It's Navi after all.

Power Star Pin Cushion

Just a quick late night project after I realised I don't own a pin cushion. This Mario Power Star is much cuter in real life and it was fun to make as well. I just used scraps of felt that I had lying around after previous projects.

Transformers Door Stop

After I showed some people at work the few things that I had been working on, I was asked to make another door stop for one of the ladies' 5-year-old son. Only this time, it had to be Transformers related. This has two Decepticon faces and two Autobot faces These door stops are really just pieces of felt sewn into a cube with some appliqué on them. As with the Mario cube this one also has the extra cube inside for support.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Jigglypuff Needle Felt

Yep, it's Jigglypuff. My favourite of all pokemon. The only real reason I chose to do this was because it is so hard to find a Jigglypuff other than a plastic one that doesn't look weird with a badly proportioned curl.

I started this project having had no prior experience with needle felt, other than watching a 4 minute youtube video, so I'm fairly happy with the result. I think the arms should have been smaller, but I don't think they're too bad.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Question Mark Block Door Stop

My first of hopefully many projects for this blog. A door stop based on the question mark blocks from the Mario series.

The cube is made entierly of felt, the brown is woolen felt and the yellow and black is acrylic felt. Inside is a cube made out of calico filled with uncooked rice. I decided to use the two cubes for extra strength, so down the track I wouldn't be finding bits of rice everywhere.
the design is held on by a ultrahold iron-on adhesive and the edges of the yellow squares are sewn.

I plan to get in the habit of making at least one thing each week or at least every fortnight, and posting it here on a Tuesday or Saturday. For some projects I'll also post a tutorial. I promise they will all somehow be game or anime related.
